In the Past position A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.
Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.
Four of Swords
In the Present position A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.
Meaning: Reprieve. Vigil. Withdrawal and silence. Waiting. Isolation and asylum. Existence taking on a surreal feeling, as if one is veiled from life. A seemingly deathlike sleep phase in life, but a time which incubates future dreams. Exile. A freeze on life protecting one from injury or self-destructive behaviour. Recovery. Convalescence. Keeping hidden. Protection in silence. Possibly being forsaken. Warning that a quest may be endangering one's health. Need for help from others. Hospital stay or finding sanctuary.
In the Future position A card in the right position indicates your questions future.
Meaning: Evolution. Change, death, and transformation. A natural end to a situation, whether it be positive or negative; for example, the card may refer to the end of a relationship, illusion, financial source, or the completion of a project. Closure. Releasing of the past. The end of an era. Necessary change. Freedom that allows for renewal. Sudden change brings fears of the unknown, but ultimately alters life in such a way as to initiate new growth. May mean death, a fear of death, or a brush with death. Natural course and progression of life. Lastly, Death is sometimes portrayed as a beautiful and dignified figure since dying can be seen as a blessing in release from suffering.