Beth Breidenbach 稱之為「鷹式盤旋」。對任何一個在機場需要使用筆記型電腦的人來說,這都是常見的動作——到處找尋無線上網(wi-fi)的途徑和電源插座,就像在上演一出盤旋的舞蹈。
來自華盛頓州斯波肯的 Breidenbach 是 IBM全球業務服務部門的一名高級數據架構師,她一年中平均有45周都在旅途中度過。為了方便,她記下了她最鐘愛的機場內的插座位置——在丹佛國際機場(Denver International Airport),她通過座位區的主支柱找到它們;在芝加哥的 O'Hare 和紐約的 LaGuardia,她通過工作站來尋找;而其他的則位於明尼阿波利斯的一些特別的餐廳附近,在那裏她可以在為其筆記型電腦和 Palm手持設備充電的同時簡單吃點東西。
隨著機場提升其 wi-fi 服務,富有經驗的旅客現在正在減少這種鷹式盤旋。Breidenbach 說:「我認為旅客將可在機場獲得 wi-fi 服務,直到證明有其他方式可以代替它。」
亞洲: 中國 (2004: 北京、上海、杭州、蘇州, 2005: 上海, 2007: 上海、 蘇州), 香港 (2004), 日本 (1989 關東+九州, 2007 關東+關西: Tokyo, Hakone, Atami, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Kyoto), 韓國 (1989: Seoul & Jeju, 2005: Seoul & Nami, 2006: Seoul & Nami), 臺灣 (hometown), 泰國 (1991: Bangkok & Pattaya)
美洲: 美國 (1991, 1994-2008), 加拿大
歐洲: 義大利 (2006: Roma, Florence, Siena, Verona, Napoli, Pompei, Toscana, Sorrento, Perugia, Capri, Asisi, Pisa, Venice, Milano), 梵諦岡 (2006), 德國 (2006 轉機)
Fort Ross was a thriving Russian-American Company settlement from 1812 to 1841. This commercial company chartered by Russia's tsarist government controlled all Russian exploration, trade and settlement in the North Pacific, and established permanent settlements in Alaska and California. Fort Ross was the southernmost settlement in the Russian colonization of the North American continent, and was established as an agricultural base to supply Alaska. It was the site of California's first windmills and shipbuilding, and Russian scientists were among the first to record California’s cultural and natural history. Fort Ross was a successfully functioning multi-cultural settlement for some thirty years. Settlers included Russians, Native Alaskans and Californians, and Creoles (individuals of mixed Russian and native ancestry.) Along with the chapel, the structure of most historical interest at Fort Ross is the Rotchev house, an existing building renovated about 1836 for Alexander Rotchev, the last manager of Ross. It is the only surviving structure. Several other buildings have been reconstructed: the first Russian Orthodox chapel south of Alaska, the stockade, and four other buildings called the Kuskov House, The Officials Barracks, and two corner blockhouses. |