In the Past position A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.
Meaning: Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.
The Moon - Reversed
In the Present position A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.
Meaning: Lies. Danger near water. Betrayal. Fear. Repression. Poor judgment. Feeling alienated, removed from life. Having to contend with an exhausting, lawless imagination. Paranoia and hysteria. Mental illness. Lunacy.
Queen of Cups
In the Future position A card in the right position indicates your questions future.
Meaning: A woman of imagination. Romantic, compassionate air. One who encourages the dreams and talents of others. Generosity and care. A loyal lover. A genuine heart. Virtue. Protection. A cultured, refined woman who is wise in matters of the heart. For a male querent she can represent true love; for a woman a romantic confidant or rival. Even as rival she is just and honest, believing in fair play.