In the Past position A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.
Meaning: Faith and inspiration. Wisdom and insight. Enlightenment. Imagination. Receptive state of mind. Intellectual growth. Leading a life close to inspirational sources. Conducive, artistic environment. A rich inner life. Seclusion. Self-knowledge. An understanding of dark and light nature. A multifaceted, complex woman. Multiple talents. Creativity. A fertile, artistic, or scientific mind that benefits from intuitive or psychic leaps. Revelation. Expanding mind. The feminine artistic, creative force. The grace of inspiration. Choosing to serve an art or science, which can appear cold to those who live for relationships or misguided to those who serve money. A counsellor, priestess, anchoress. A woman who appears removed emotionally and who is a law unto herself (this, however, does not mean she is unkind, and being impartial she often makes a wise counsellor). Self-reliance. The card may represent avoiding commitment to a relationship. While she may be an inspiring role model herself, she is not the sort to seek followers. A mature woman. A time of peace. Charging of energy. Insight and foresight. A keeper of inspiring sources, whether ideas, beauty, or life by example.
In the Present position A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.
Meaning: Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice.
Ten of Cups
In the Future position A card in the right position indicates your questions future.
Meaning: Full heart. Blessings. Higher, mature love. True love. Real companionship. Dreams come true. Safety, security, and satisfaction. A giving relationship. Natural order. Home providing joy. Thanksgiving. Trust. A feeling of arrival and freedom. Fruitful partnership. Deep connection. Joining of talents make for a powerful, creative force. Fortunate, natural pairing. Harmony. A dreamy partnership as a source of light and benefit to others.