in the Past position.
Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice. |
Queen of Pentacles
in the Present position.
A capable business woman. Calm, steady progress under the leadership of a woman. Security. A woman of substance and earthy nature. A strong role model who supports and protects those around her. A caring, fair employer. An investor. A careful manager. An intelligent, prudent, wealthy woman. |
Knight of Cups
in the Future position.
A romantic man. A considerate, creative, artistic sort. Musician, poet, diplomat. A promising proposal or collaboration. An opportunity to learn via a friend or lover. Broadening horizons. New philosophies. Gifts and romance. Loyalty. Sound, romantic advice. Imagination and empathy. Marriage proposal. Reciprocated love. Traditionally the messenger of true love. |
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Ten of Wands
in the Past position.
Burden. Rising to a challenge. Not flinching in the face of hard work. Pressure. Effort and time. Asserting oneself. Oppression followed by gain. Sustaining others. Carrying one¹s weight and more. Saving for a home. Budget restrictions. Perseverance. Suppressing one¹s needs to accomplish a demanding task.
in the Present position.
Tempering. Moderation. Adaptation. Managing a volatile situation in a calm, thoughtful way. Grace under pressure. Healing. Balance, reflection, and patience. Having clear boundaries. A confident and outspoken survivor. Bridging two very different worlds. The successful mixing of two opposites. Combining materials. This tarot card is sometimes called the Art card and speaks of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next. Being of two worlds. Ability to adapt. Beneficial transformation. Successful combination of ideas, lifestyles, or people. Creating a nurturing, appropriate environment. Caring for one¹s health. Repose. Feeling protected and removed. Guardian angel. Self-control. Compatibility. Blending and harmony. Finding inner peace. A period of waiting and constructive use of time. |
The Lovers
in the Future position.
Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of ³blind love.² High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles. |
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一支筆所能寫出來的力量及影響力,金庸可以說是前無古人,恐怕也是後無來者了,我們去探討為什麼小說的力量可以這麼龐大,事實上,不在於情節的曲折離奇,而在於人物的有血有肉,也就是說,當人物個性一被塑造出來,作者就已無能為力了,必須造著人物個性的成長軌跡,不同的角色互動去處理,如果有大的變化,還得費心安排心路歷程,才不至於角色變化的太突兀或離譜,從這方面而言,金庸確實是天下無雙,也可見他對人性的了解有多深;但是,另一方面來看,他把變化都寫完了,不管是情節,人物,沒有變化的餘地之下,書也就結束了,再寫下去重覆的人物也沒意思;有這樣一個忠於創作人物的作者,真是讀者的幸運, 所以,在金庸的書中,每個人物都是活生生的,在被塑造的環境裡掙扎。
而,很有趣的,小說中對每一個角色的描寫,充份反應出作者對傳統的呼應與批判,也充滿對現實世界的反射。 尤其是女性,很容易在武俠世界中脫離現實生活,不再是男性社會的附庸,但是卻仍然得面對女性的自身掙扎;這是一個很有趣的現象,值得我們探討。
在長篇小說中的女主角,個性上的愛惡可就強烈而見仁見智了,基本上這些女主角都比較像政治人物,或者說,放在現代絕對是女強人的形態,例如趙敏(紫微七殺)、任盈盈(廉貞七殺)、溫青青(廉貞)、黃蓉(廉貞貪狼)等,對她們所愛的人們而言,她是天使,對不愛的人而言,可能是魔鬼;愛恨分明、手段明快。而男主角往往是剛好相反的,令狐沖的天同特性,瀟灑自如,下起決斷來差盈盈多矣;張無忌更慘,忠厚君子,換句話說天同太陰的個性,老實人一個,不太有中心思想,在趙敏和周芷若之中,真是被擺弄於股掌之間,幸與不幸,可就難講了。 只有郭靖,堅毅木訥的武曲天相,大拙勝巧,與黃蓉就是絕配。
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Eight of Wands
in the Past position.
Opportunity. Swift response. Thinking on one¹s feet. Opening. Adventure. Chance to make great progress if one has the courage and wits to act quickly. Travel entailing a spiritual lesson. Can signify falling in love. Time of hope. Make your move. Opportunity afoot; make haste. Whirlwind of romance. Arrows of love.
Nine of Cups
in the Present position.
Fertile surroundings. Nourishment. Natural beauty. Delight. Romance. Summer¹s cauldron of all good things for the heart. Relief and well-being. Blossoming. Seduction and pleasures. Gentle, inspiring surroundings and company. Warm, encouraging atmosphere. Luck. The feel of enchanted evenings.
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