目前分類:來玩塔羅/TAROT (47)

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  • Apr 04 Sun 2010 14:59
  • 100403


Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Inspiration. Rising to a challenge. Breakthrough in thinking. Self-reliance, spiritual strength, and confidence. Conviction and faith in vision or path. Reason reigning over impulse. Ideas empowered by desire. Creative heights and achievement. Quick thinking, humour, and balance. Revelations and transcendent thoughts. Fruitful plans and far-reaching ideas. Empathy and understanding. Marriage and fertility.

Five of Cups - Reversed

Five of Cups - Reversed

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Bitterness. An unhappy marriage. Unfulfilled expectations. Regret. Sad news. Poor choice of alliance. Reunion with an old lover. Need to guard against self-delusion. Inheritance.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life.

tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Mar 30 Tue 2010 15:59
  • 100330


Ten of Swords - Reversed

Ten of Swords - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Short-term gains. Fallacy. Merger gain. Overconfidence. Poor research. Brief respite. Mirage. Gullibility.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Acknowledgement of accomplishments. Victory parade. Accolades, admirers, and gratitude. Respect of one's peers. Contributing ideas to a group project or cause. Leadership and established reputation. Good standing. Recognized authority. Having the confidence of the community. A success being more than one had hoped for. A sense of satisfaction. An original, daring thought brings victory. Honours.

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  • Dec 18 Fri 2009 04:17
  • 091217


Three of Swords

Three of Swords

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Heartache. Hurt. Harsh resolution. Distress. Having been abandoned. Severance. Feeling crippled by the weight of past hurts. The pain of being misunderstood or unfairly judged. Rejection. Estrangement. Fear and isolation. Separation. The pain of a triangle dynamic in relationship or interests. The need for mental control over emotions. Frail health.

The Lovers

The Lovers

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of �blind love.� High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.
King of Wands

King of Wands

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise�it is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

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  • Nov 02 Mon 2009 17:01
  • 091102


Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life.

tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 05 Sat 2009 16:31
  • 090905

Page of Pentacles Page of Pentacles
in the Past position.

Proposal. Business communications. Offers of exchange. An enthusiastic young person eager to enter the world of commerce. Good ideas. Young achiever. Reliable, hard worker. Discipline. Focus. Questions. Serious student. Good report. Business sense.



Seven of Pentacles Seven of Pentacles
in the Present position.

Sharing good fortune. The resolution to a problem. Receiving help, such as a timely commission. Charitable acts. Relief. The settling of a debt. Exchange. Entitlement. Rewarding someone for their effort. Supporting a cause or talent you admire. Balancing the scales. Restitution. Giving credit where deserved.



Nine of Swords Nine of Swords
in the Future position.

Nightmares, suspicion, and insecurity. Depression weighing one down. Worry and delays. Longing and misery. Pining for a loved one. Distress and obsession. The haunting of past hurts and injustices. Debilitating, unhealthy situation. Unrelenting enemy. Loneliness. Indecision. Bewilderment. Premature end.

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  • Aug 23 Sun 2009 11:29
  • 090822

Knight of Wands Knight of Wands
in the Past position.

A quick, clever man with a sense of humour. One with an unusual way of looking at life, recognizing patterns and opportunities missed by others. He is somewhat unpredictable, making for stimulating company. A man who inspires with his enthusiasm and gift of language. A considerate and loyal person. A journey or change of residence. Sound instincts.

The Priestess The Priestess
in the Present position.

Faith and inspiration. Wisdom and insight. Enlightenment. Imagination. Receptive state of mind. Intellectual growth. Leading a life close to inspirational sources. Conducive, artistic environment. A rich inner life. Seclusion. Self-knowledge. An understanding of dark and light nature. A multifaceted, complex woman. Multiple talents. Creativity. A fertile, artistic, or scientific mind that benefits from intuitive or psychic leaps. Revelation. Expanding mind. The feminine artistic, creative force. The grace of inspiration. Choosing to serve an art or science, which can appear cold to those who live for relationships or misguided to those who serve money. A counsellor, priestess, anchoress. A woman who appears removed emotionally and who is a law unto herself (this, however, does not mean she is unkind, and being impartial she often makes a wise counsellor). Self-reliance. The card may represent avoiding commitment to a relationship. While she may be an inspiring role model herself, she is not the sort to seek followers. A mature woman. A time of peace. Charging of energy. Insight and foresight. A keeper of inspiring sources, whether ideas, beauty, or life by example.

Knight of Cups Knight of Cups
in the Future position.

A romantic man. A considerate, creative, artistic sort. Musician, poet, diplomat. A promising proposal or collaboration. An opportunity to learn via a friend or lover. Broadening horizons. New philosophies. Gifts and romance. Loyalty. Sound, romantic advice. Imagination and empathy. Marriage proposal. Reciprocated love. Traditionally the messenger of true love.

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  • Aug 04 Tue 2009 16:31
  • 090804

The Page of Cups The Page of Cups
in the Past position.

Good news. Invitation. A cheerful young person with a trusting heart. Optimism. Romantic interest. Imagination. Playfulness. Artistic abilities. Compassion and understanding. Birth of a child. An accommodating, well-mannered soul.

Knight of Swords Knight of Swords
in the Present position.

Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

The Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune
in the Future position.

Surprise. Change of fortune. Unexpected turn of events. Good luck. Progression. Windfall. Measurable time or natural cycle. Upturn of the wheel. Improvement. After struggles, obstacles give way and plans engage. Breakthrough and movement. Blind fortune. Chance. Moods of fate. Surmounting difficulties. Relief from another¹s oppression. The Wheel of Fortune can herald random change neither sought nor deserved, reminding us that fate sometimes rewards the unworthy while denying those deserving of luck. The card also carries a warning to the vain and fame seekers, in that what went up must come down, and at times depicts the figure atop the wheel with the ears of an ass. The wheel can represent a natural shift of circumstance or phase in life, such as the change from adolescent to adult, adult to middle age, etc.

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  • Jul 11 Sat 2009 02:49
  • 090710


Four of Cups - Reversed Four of Cups - Reversed
in the Past position.

Suspicion. Blaming others for one¹s situation. Playing on the undeserved sympathy of others. Insecurity.



King of Swords King of Swords
in the Present position.

A powerful man with a quick temper. He is no fool and should be handled with care. A daring, impressive, effective leader, if a little harsh. A man of influence and long reach. Tenacity. Passion and conviction. An authority. Commanding presence. Impact, bravery, and ambition.


The Fool The Fool
in the Future position.

A beginning. Embarking. Establishing a path. A leap of faith. Venturing off on one¹s own. New possibilities. Optimism. Not being limited by previous experience or the opinions of others. An open mind. A break with convention. Nonconformity. Lack of reason. Deliberate ignorance. Folly. Learning through play. Testing and exploring. Acting without a plan. Being open to new experiences. Enthusiasm. Trust. Innocence. Choosing a path that may appear foolish to others. Unrealistic expectations. Being in the present. Uninhibited behaviour. Chasing rainbows. Being blissfully unaware of dangers allows one to reach a higher goal. Or, if aware of the danger, choosing not to let fear hold one back.

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  • Jun 22 Mon 2009 16:55
  • 090622

Ten of Swords Ten of Swords
in the Past position.

Conflict. Destruction. Loss. Breakdown of relationships. Slander. Hurt. Misfortune. Plans that seemed promising end in failure. Disillusion. Grief. Temporary alliances. Being forsaken. A sacrifice. Withdrawing from the world due to trauma. The apex and end of a matter. Does not represent violent death.

Queen of Pentacles Queen of Pentacles
in the Present position.

A capable business woman. Calm, steady progress under the leadership of a woman. Security. A woman of substance and earthy nature. A strong role model who supports and protects those around her. A caring, fair employer. An investor. A careful manager. An intelligent, prudent, wealthy woman.

Ace of Pentacles Ace of Pentacles
in the Future position.

You have been given a resource. Use it well and be grateful.

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陽宅風水可以分成三大類來談:房子的風水 ( 一棟房子的外在環境、大門朝向、內部隔局,組合成房子本身所具有的風水 )、時間的風水 ( 每年、每月、每日,風水都在流轉,所以有‘風水輪流轉’之說 ),以及人的風水 ( 因為出生的時間不同,每個人都有自己對風水的特殊需求)。








基數與性別無關。無論男女,都需要把自己的出生年份(西元) 的四個數目字加起來。不過這個數必須是個位數 ( single digit ),如果加出來的數字是兩位數的話,就要繼續往下加,直到得出個位數為止。

譬如說 1986 年生的,1 + 9 + 8 + 6 =24。

24 是兩位數,所以要再加一次 2 + 4 = 6,基數是 6。

( 請凡是立春以前出生的讀友注意:假如您的生日是在當年的立春以前的話,就要算到前一年去。譬如說:1986 年 1 月 15 日出生的人,因為是在立春之前出生,需要算是 1985 年生。


正好是二月四日出生的人,就有必要查查農民曆 / 萬年曆,看看出生年的立春到底是那一天,自己有沒有必要改變出生的年份。如果當年是二月四日立春,就不需要更改年份;倘若是二月五日立春,就需要往前推一年。)



拿剛才的例子來說,1986 年出生的人,基數是 6。

倘若是男性,11 - 6 = 5,磁向數是5。

倘若是女性,4 + 6 = 10,磁向數是10。



風水中的磁向數一定要在1與9之間;如果您所得到的磁向數大於9,就要減去 9。



B。如果磁向數是 5:



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  • Jun 10 Wed 2009 21:39
  • 090610

Knight of Wands - Reversed Knight of Wands - Reversed
in the Past position.

Irreconcilable differences. A heated exchange. Loss of relationship. A man who sows strife for amusement. Weak ideas.

Three of Cups Three of Cups
in the Present position.

Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

King of Wands King of Wands
in the Future position.

Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise‹it is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

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  • Jun 03 Wed 2009 18:03
  • 090603

Four of Cups Four of Cups
in the Past position.

Discontent and isolation. Feeling at a loss as to what can be done to improve a situation. Doubt. Melancholy. A disenchanting experience. Disgust. Can also indicate being fussy. Having to deal with naysayers. Not recognizing what one has. It is an encouraging card, indicating help that seems to be divine intervention ensuring one has all the cups one needs.

The Sun - Reversed The Sun - Reversed
in the Present position.

Means much the same, only to a lesser degree: limited progress, short time in the sun. Frivolity, vanity, and susceptibility. Poor sportsmanship. Spoiled, demanding temperament. Play becoming tiresome or to one¹s detriment.

The Magician The Magician
in the Future position.

Talent and intelligence. A higher-comprehending mind. Purpose and skill. Independent thinker. Self-rule. Freedom. A person who is a force of art and creativity. Intuition. An inspiring, powerful voice. Commitment and communication. Eloquence and persuasion. Charm, confidence, and control. Talent that carries responsibility and casts one in an otherworldly light. Leadership and influence. Showmanship and dexterity. An ambiguous card, as the magician is also a trickster, a shadowy ringmaster, and a juggler. The unevolved magician character is a creature of appetite, impulse, and manipulation. Disregard of others and self-aggrandizing behaviour (resembling the rock star gone awry).

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  • May 19 Tue 2009 18:23
  • 090519

The Lovers The Lovers
in the Past position.

Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of ³blind love.² High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.

Seven of Wands - Reversed Seven of Wands - Reversed
in the Present position.

Danger in doing nothing. A warning to take action of any sort, whether confronting, negotiating, or issuing a challenge. Denying or ignoring a situation only brings future grief. Take a stand.

Page of Pentacles Page of Pentacles
in the Future position.

Proposal. Business communications. Offers of exchange. An enthusiastic young person eager to enter the world of commerce. Good ideas. Young achiever. Reliable, hard worker. Discipline. Focus. Questions. Serious student. Good report. Business sense.

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  • Apr 16 Thu 2009 22:09
  • 090416

Judgement Judgement
in the Past position.

Hearing the call to a new life. Resurrection. Rebirth. New perception and purpose in life. A reawakening. Renewed enthusiasm. A rising destiny. Unexplored path. Invitation, recognizing new opportunities. Creating a new philosophy and purpose. Reaching a crossroads and assessing one¹s past life, motives, values, and progress. Rite of passage. Evaluating one¹s moral conscience and questioning what one has believed and valued up to this time. A clearing away of dogma, outside expectations, propaganda, and conventional, unquestioned wisdom that has accumulated and entombed one¹s life. Self-evaluation. Expanding vision and philosophy. Accepting responsibility for self-imposed limitations and how one¹s actions have affected others. Having the courage to make necessary changes to bring about growth and purpose.

The Lovers The Lovers
in the Present position.

Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of ³blind love.² High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.

Page of Wands Page of Wands
in the Future position.

Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.

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  • Apr 07 Tue 2009 13:53
  • 090407

Queen of Pentacles - Reversed Queen of Pentacles - Reversed
in the Past position.

A controlling woman. A bully. One who cares little for anything but money. Overweening greed. Abuse of the vulnerable. A calculating sort who befriends only to serve her own ends. Suspicion, danger. Beware of one lacking a conscience.


The Sun The Sun
in the Present position.

Triumph, success, and security. Growth, well-being, and nourishment. Solutions, faith, and glory. Sincerity in love. Play, vacation, and enjoying the blessings in life without analysis. Being present in the moment. Rejuvenation. Childlike innocence and playful manner. Youth. Trust. Blossoming. Thriving. Enjoying the pleasures of nature. Bounty after trials. Masculine, sexual energy. Summer love, country romance. Bright, warm days. Learning new skills through play. Thanksgiving. Birth of a child. Fame.


Three of Cups Three of Cups
in the Future position.

Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

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  • Mar 16 Mon 2009 15:58
  • 090316

Ten of Wands - Reversed Ten of Wands - Reversed
in the Past position.

Being foiled by a perceived shortcut. Being duped. Being distracted by glitter. Succumbing to intrigues. Being led astray. Shirking responsibilities. Shallow, self-serving philosophy.

Two of Swords Two of Swords
in the Present position.

Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

King of Cups King of Cups
in the Future position.

A visionary man. A strong, dignified man with a gentle manner who enriches the lives of those around him. An authority. Meaningful accomplishment. Intelligence and influence. Significant artistic abilities. Trust. Ethics. Strength of conviction. Higher principles and higher love. Intuition and foresight. A magnetic, somewhat reclusive, reflective nature.

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  • Nov 17 Mon 2008 12:24
  • 081117

Judgement - Reversed Judgement - Reversed
in the Past position.

Delusion. Denying the truth of a matter. Chasing rainbows. Being proved wrong. Having misjudged a situation. Remorse and disappointment. Or, depending on surrounding cards, may be lack of faith or unwarranted doubts. Repentance.


The Lovers The Lovers
in the Present position.

Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of ³blind love.² High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.


Queen of Wands Queen of Wands
in the Future position.

An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.

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1、 你對現在的自己基本滿意嗎? 


2、 喜歡戰爭題材的作品嗎? 






















13、"肮髒"這個詞比 "罪惡"更讓你討厭?




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  • Apr 29 Tue 2008 19:09
  • 080429

Knight of Swords Knight of Swords
in the Past position.

Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

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  • Mar 01 Sat 2008 16:29
  • 080301

Two of Swords Two of Swords
in the Past position.

Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

Page of Swords Page of Swords
in the Present position.

Secrets. Hidden matters. Need for caution. Plots. Sensing undercurrent of dangers afoot. Being privy to confidential matters. Being given inside information and warnings. Spies. A slippery adversary. Infected environment. A philosophy that sanctions unfair practices so long as serving one¹s purpose. Enquiring mind finds lies. Reason to be suspect.

Six of Wands Six of Wands
in the Future position.

Acknowledgement of accomplishments. Victory parade. Accolades, admirers, and gratitude. Respect of one¹s peers. Contributing ideas to a group project or cause. Leadership and established reputation. Good standing. Recognized authority. Having the confidence of the community. A success being more than one had hoped for. A sense of satisfaction. An original, daring thought brings victory. Honours.

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