目前分類:來玩塔羅/TAROT (47)

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  • May 09 Wed 2012 13:18
  • 120508


The Priestess

The Priestess

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Faith and inspiration. Wisdom and insight. Enlightenment. Imagination. Receptive state of mind. Intellectual growth. Leading a life close to inspirational sources. Conducive, artistic environment. A rich inner life. Seclusion. Self-knowledge. An understanding of dark and light nature. A multifaceted, complex woman. Multiple talents. Creativity. A fertile, artistic, or scientific mind that benefits from intuitive or psychic leaps. Revelation. Expanding mind. The feminine artistic, creative force. The grace of inspiration. Choosing to serve an art or science, which can appear cold to those who live for relationships or misguided to those who serve money. A counsellor, priestess, anchoress. A woman who appears removed emotionally and who is a law unto herself (this, however, does not mean she is unkind, and being impartial she often makes a wise counsellor). Self-reliance. The card may represent avoiding commitment to a relationship. While she may be an inspiring role model herself, she is not the sort to seek followers. A mature woman. A time of peace. Charging of energy. Insight and foresight. A keeper of inspiring sources, whether ideas, beauty, or life by example.



In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Full heart. Blessings. Higher, mature love. True love. Real companionship. Dreams come true. Safety, security, and satisfaction. A giving relationship. Natural order. Home providing joy. Thanksgiving. Trust. A feeling of arrival and freedom. Fruitful partnership. Deep connection. Joining of talents make for a powerful, creative force. Fortunate, natural pairing. Harmony. A dreamy partnership as a source of light and benefit to others.

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  • Feb 02 Thu 2012 13:10
  • 120201


Page of Wands

Page of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.

The Moon - Reversed

The Moon - Reversed

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Lies. Danger near water. Betrayal. Fear. Repression. Poor judgment. Feeling alienated, removed from life. Having to contend with an exhausting, lawless imagination. Paranoia and hysteria. Mental illness. Lunacy.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: A woman of imagination. Romantic, compassionate air. One who encourages the dreams and talents of others. Generosity and care. A loyal lover. A genuine heart. Virtue. Protection. A cultured, refined woman who is wise in matters of the heart. For a male querent she can represent true love; for a woman a romantic confidant or rival. Even as rival she is just and honest, believing in fair play.

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  • Jun 18 Sat 2011 08:16
  • 110617


Two of Swords - Reversed

Two of Swords - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Encountering lies and deceit. Being let down. Having to accept that you misjudged a person or situation. Cowardice in others.

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Secrets. Hidden matters. Need for caution. Plots. Sensing undercurrent of dangers afoot. Being privy to confidential matters. Being given inside information and warnings. Spies. A slippery adversary. Infected environment. A philosophy that sanctions unfair practices so long as serving one¹s purpose. Enquiring mind finds lies. Reason to be suspect.

King of Cups

King of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: A visionary man. A strong, dignified man with a gentle manner who enriches the lives of those around him. An authority. Meaningful accomplishment. Intelligence and influence. Significant artistic abilities. Trust. Ethics. Strength of conviction. Higher principles and higher love. Intuition and foresight. A magnetic, somewhat reclusive, reflective nature.

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  • May 17 Tue 2011 02:00
  • 110516


The Emperor

The Emperor

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: A strong leader. A man of power and responsibilities. Protection. Conviction and self-sacrifice. A strong, masculine influence. Integrity and ethics. A father figure. Worldly power. Stability and reason. Compassion. Wisdom and aid. Conquest. Masculine, sexual energy. A competitive nature. Fair play. Competence. A flexible mind open to the ideas of others. Established, relaxed authority. Courage. Reason ruling emotion. Thought for the greater good.

The Horned One

The Horned One

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Nature. The call of the wild. Animal impulse and instinct. Primal knowledge. Ancestral memory. Tension between order and chaos. Reconciling the cultured vs. natural state of being. Originality. Desire and fertility. Enchantment, fascination, and magnetism. Healthy competition. The integration of animal behaviour and needs with the civilized conscious. The rise of primal instincts such as nesting, nurturing, herding, and protecting. The attuning of animal qualities and senses, which can be of great value in agility, cunning, and the intuition of threats or unnatural conditions. The wisdom of the subconscious making its influence felt via one零 appetites and aversions. Nature has a cycle and rhythm to regulate our behaviours, keeping balance and order. If oppression, starvation, or cruelty disrupt this order, then abhorrent, chaotic, self-destructive behaviour can ensue, leading to the traditional interpretation of the Devil card that appears in many decks as card number fifteen, indicating controlling relationships, enslaving obsession, violence, abuse, and addictions. However, unless a negative interpretation is suggested by surrounding cards, the Horned One of this deck is a symbol of a healthy, life-enhancing wild nature.

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

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  • Feb 17 Thu 2011 13:25
  • 110216


Nine of Cups - Reversed

Nine of Cups - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Limited potential and success. Small setbacks. Relationship not carrying the nutrient and stimulus hoped for. Too much in common, whereas diversity brings strength and enrichment.

Nine of Wands - Reversed

Nine of Wands - Reversed

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Calamity. Failed defences. Time of adversity. Failure to foresee consequences. Unheeded warnings. Being caught off guard.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

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  • Nov 30 Tue 2010 09:37
  • 101129


Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Fertile surroundings. Nourishment. Natural beauty. Delight. Romance. Summer's cauldron of all good things for the heart. Relief and well-being. Blossoming. Seduction and pleasures. Gentle, inspiring surroundings and company. Warm, encouraging atmosphere. Luck. The feel of enchanted evenings.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Speculation. Launching of a new enterprise. Investigating new directions. Exploring adventure. Distributing energy and resources. A gamble on the unknown. Diversifying. Optimism. Expansion. Broadening horizons. Taking the initiative. Trade and negotiations. Research. Educated decisions.

King of Wands

King of Wands

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

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  • Oct 15 Fri 2010 09:17
  • 101014


The Chariot

The Chariot

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Triumph. Victory parade. Success of a multifaceted endeavour. Leadership, competence, and maturity. Conquest. An evolved personality. Courage. Being centered and secure. Moral, ethical progress and conduct. A high-minded, honourable approach to life. Balance, integration. Harmony of opposite tensions. Equilibrium. Reconciling opposing forces or views. Uniting right and left brain functions. Control over inner conflicts. Harnessing wild energies. Life unfolding at an accelerated pace, yet maintaining direction. Finding one's stride. Enjoying the thrill and ride of life. Engaging an ambition or dream. Achievement. High energy. Promotion, honours, and reward. Overcoming opposition. May indicate a rescue, as in the arrival of the cavalry.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: A woman of imagination. Romantic, compassionate air. One who encourages the dreams and talents of others. Generosity and care. A loyal lover. A genuine heart. Virtue. Protection. A cultured, refined woman who is wise in matters of the heart. For a male querent she can represent true love; for a woman a romantic confidant or rival. Even as rival she is just and honest, believing in fair play.

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Prudence. Assessment. Tallying. Successful handling of a multifaceted venture. Having speculated and been proven right. Planning and diplomacy. Care in choosing friends and confidants. Compassion, patience, and effort to understand others. Foresight and honourable behaviour. Popularity.

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  • Oct 12 Tue 2010 08:18
  • 101011


Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Reprieve. Vigil. Withdrawal and silence. Waiting. Isolation and asylum. Existence taking on a surreal feeling, as if one is veiled from life. A seemingly deathlike sleep phase in life, but a time which incubates future dreams. Exile. A freeze on life protecting one from injury or self-destructive behaviour. Recovery. Convalescence. Keeping hidden. Protection in silence. Possibly being forsaken. Warning that a quest may be endangering one's health. Need for help from others. Hospital stay or finding sanctuary.



In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Evolution. Change, death, and transformation. A natural end to a situation, whether it be positive or negative; for example, the card may refer to the end of a relationship, illusion, financial source, or the completion of a project. Closure. Releasing of the past. The end of an era. Necessary change. Freedom that allows for renewal. Sudden change brings fears of the unknown, but ultimately alters life in such a way as to initiate new growth. May mean death, a fear of death, or a brush with death. Natural course and progression of life. Lastly, Death is sometimes portrayed as a beautiful and dignified figure since dying can be seen as a blessing in release from suffering.

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  • Oct 01 Fri 2010 05:19
  • 100930


Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Sharing good fortune. The resolution to a problem. Receiving help, such as a timely commission. Charitable acts. Relief. The settling of a debt. Exchange. Entitlement. Rewarding someone for their effort. Supporting a cause or talent you admire. Balancing the scales. Restitution. Giving credit where deserved.

Two of Cups - Reversed

Two of Cups - Reversed

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Cowardice. False love and weakness. Jealousy. Outside influences damage the fragile growth of a new relationship. The intense energy of a good match gone awry proves equally passionate in the negative direction. Panic, hurt, sabotage.

The World

The World

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Ascension. Opening to a higher dimension. Culmination and synthesis. Enlightenment. Attaining a broader view of life. Moving beyond the personal to become aware of the interconnected nature of life. Harmony and perfection. Peace and freedom of thought. Inspiration and comprehension. Ecstasy. Glimpses, however brief, of the great mysteries of life. Being able to appreciate the larger scene or patterns in life. Faith. Epiphany. A heightened sense of being alive. Purpose. Confidence. Completion. Enjoying life and anticipating its curves. Unencumbered by the trivial. Being in control of one零 fate. Intelligence. Independence. Determination and stability. Strength and enthusiasm. Intuition and spiritual heights. Crowning achievement. Reward and promotion. Graduation. Lasting happiness. As the last of the major arcana, the Universe represents the height of a progression. The Universe card is associated with the four evangelists, Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John, who in turn are equated with incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension, respectively.

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  • Sep 15 Wed 2010 17:16
  • 100915


Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Nightmares, suspicion, and insecurity. Depression weighing one down. Worry and delays. Longing and misery. Pining for a loved one. Distress and obsession. The haunting of past hurts and injustices. Debilitating, unhealthy situation. Unrelenting enemy. Loneliness. Indecision. Bewilderment. Premature end.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Resignation. Acceptance. Limited success. Releasing of the old renews the spirit. Rejecting outside expectations for an individually fashioned lifestyle. End of an ordeal. Negotiations. Independent thinking. Confidence. Release from the grip of material questing for higher pursuits.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Restraint. Suspension. Stalemate. Atonement. Not being able to make one's influence felt. Being held at a disadvantage. The dull pain born of constraint. Being caught in a web. A freeze on life. Detachment and isolation. Impotence and chastisement. Can mean a punishment, as in the law of retaliation applying to the traitor. Such suspensions can follow betraying one's self in doing or allowing something in one's life that was known to be wrong. Feeling marginalized, which can be a form of protection. Redemption. The silence of constraint brings deeper self-knowledge and sharpens the intuitive senses as a blind man "sees". Tapping a deep root. Uncommon knowledge. A life pared down to the basics. A time of gestation in a borderland state between chapters in life. Self-sacrifice in pursuit of knowledge or a cause. Energy drain. Delays and suspension of plans. A wise temporary surrender. Endurance. Insight. Being still in order to learn the secret to freeing one's self.

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  • Aug 20 Fri 2010 03:13
  • 100819


Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Frustration and fear. Feeling powerless and at the mercy of outside forces. The controlling behaviour of others. Unfair treatment. A pawn. Not having the ability to adequately protect oneself. Vulnerable to deceit. Scapegoat. Pleas falling on deaf ears. Being misunderstood. Being used. A temporary situation that will pass.

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Repose after difficulty. A prize. Unexpected celebration. Social events. Romance and fertility. Virtue, vigilance, and restraint are rewarded. Tide turned in one's favour. Solid foundation for the future. Alliances and friendship. Sharing. Relief. On a deeper level, the card represents equilibrium and achieving a state of balance, peace, and contentment after a long ordeal. Gratitude. Emotional and psychological well-being.

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Dreams. A fertile imagination. Numerous and sometimes conflicting desires. Dreaming up options. Window shopping for paths and goals. Fertility in mind and spirit. Bemused and confused by the possibilities of options. Unexpected turn of events. Realization of a long shot. Surprises. Triumph of the underdog. Humour, thrills, and vision.

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  • Jul 01 Thu 2010 09:24
  • 100630


Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Guarding one's gains, whether they be possessions, property, or ideas. Overidentifying with one's material wealth. Recalling resources. Closing accounts. Expanding in new directions closer to home or personal interests. Acquiring new possessions. Parading wealth. Danger of ostentation.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment.

The Hermit

The Hermit

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Silence. Retreat. Withdrawing from the outside world. Protection and concealment. Calm soul-searching. Seeking wisdom and understanding of the larger patterns in life. Guidance or advice from an elder. Pilgrimage. Searching, wandering. A philosopher. Psychic abilities enhanced by peace and freedom of thought. Foresight. Prudence. Knowledge. A study and respect of nature and the limits it places upon us, such as the effects of seasons, time, etc. Reflection. Giving thought to one零 self or condition. Leaving the material riches in search of the spiritual. Celibacy. Healing. Resolving serious problems. Recuperating. Valuing time alone. Taking time to lick one零 wounds. Peace. The solitary nature of the Hermit card can be a positive or negative condition in one零 lifen the positive side, solitary time can bring peace and clarity, a balancing, a sense of well-being, or transformation. On the other hand, it can be negative in isolating a person, creating misanthropy, and bringing on fear, fatigue, and depression and distancing one from real aspirations, dreams, opportunities, and good company. Check surrounding cards for an indication as to positive or negative influence.

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  • Jun 30 Wed 2010 09:11
  • 100629


The Sun

The Sun

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Triumph, success, and security. Growth, well-being, and nourishment. Solutions, faith, and glory. Sincerity in love. Play, vacation, and enjoying the blessings in life without analysis. Being present in the moment. Rejuvenation. Childlike innocence and playful manner. Youth. Trust. Blossoming. Thriving. Enjoying the pleasures of nature. Bounty after trials. Masculine, sexual energy. Summer love, country romance. Bright, warm days. Learning new skills through play. Thanksgiving. Birth of a child. Fame.

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Burden. Rising to a challenge. Not flinching in the face of hard work. Pressure. Effort and time. Asserting oneself. Oppression followed by gain. Sustaining others. Carrying one's weight and more. Saving for a home. Budget restrictions. Perseverance. Suppressing one's needs to accomplish a demanding task.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment.

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  • Jun 26 Sat 2010 03:16
  • MBTI

MBTI 職業性格心理測驗

MBTI 是性格分類的一種,由瑞士心理分析家榮格於1921年所提出,經過多年的發展,MBTI 現已成為全球著名的性格測試之一。當中包括教育界、顧員招聘及培訓、領袖訓練及個人發展等領域均有廣泛的應用。 心理測驗結果分為十六種性格:

01)  ESTJ 大男人型 02)  ESTP 挑戰型 03)  ESFJ 主人型 04)  ESFP 表演型
05)  ENTJ 將軍型 06)  ENTP 發明家 07)  ENFJ 教育家 08)  ENFP 記者型
09)  ISTJ 公務型 10)  ISTP 冒險家 11)  ISFJ 照顧型 12)  ISFP 藝術家
13)  INTJ 專家型 14)  INTP 學者型 15)  INFJ 作家型 16)  INFP 哲學家

你屬於哪一種?  適合哪一類型的工作? 進行以下 28 題的測驗就可知道。

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支援型的你很容易就能從她身上看到自己的影子。你是一個善於思考,感情豐富的人,但是卻容易沉湎在一種情緒里長時間解脫不出來。比如,就像那位可憐的失去母親的灰姑娘一樣,每天都要趴在母親的墳頭上哭三次--對命運的打擊最先的反應,只是一度地悲傷。 不過,聰明的頭腦和周全的思慮,是你隨時隨地都具備的。你想得多,想得深,雖然有時候會猶疑不定,不過你卻清楚地知道,什麼是機遇,機遇又在哪裡。儘管灰姑娘沉浸在失去母親和受到後母以及姐姐們虐待的雙重痛苦之中,但是,當聽到王子要在舞會上挑選新娘的消息時,她意志堅定地一定要參加那個舞會,因為她明白,這是讓她命運改變的一個機會。




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  • May 18 Tue 2010 12:21
  • 100517


King of Wands

King of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

The Lovers

The Lovers

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of blind love. High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved,

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  • May 17 Mon 2010 14:50
  • 100516


Queen of Swords - Reversed

Queen of Swords - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Overweening ambition. Greed and lust for power. Dangerous, even violent woman. Fanatical zeal. Abuse. Jealousy.

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

The Lovers

The Lovers

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of blind love. High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.

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  • Negotiator 23%
  • Explorer 29%
  • Director 19%
  • Builder 28%

  • About
    your personality

    You have a great deal of energy and vitality. You are curious, creative and resilient. You have many interests; and you find pleasure in doing and thinking about all sorts of things.

    You tend to be optimistic, seeing the world as a place of adventure-- physical, intellectual or both. You seek first-hand experiences. And when you embark on a project or expedition, you like to be organized, thorough and responsible.

    You enjoy the pleasures of the senses, yet you are firmly grounded in reality and live in the here and now. You can be charming and charismatic; and you sometimes like to surprise those you love with generous presents.

    You also have a clear moral compass and stand up for your beliefs. And in spite of your flexibility and enjoyment of novelty, you have a genuine respect for home, family, work and community. You are conscientious, dependable, cooperative and protective.

    With Explorer as your primary type, you can be:

  • Novelty seeking
  • Flexible
  • Impulsive and spontaneous
  • Open-Minded
  • Curious
  • Energetic
  • Creative

  • With Builder as your secondary type, you can be:

  • Traditional
  • Patient
  • Social
  • Community Oriented
  • Loyal
  • Orderly
  • Dependable

  • Relating
    to others

    You have a keen sense of humor and a great many interests-so people gravitate to you. You are also savvy at managing and handling others. And because you are broad-minded, adaptable and playful, as well as dependable and loyal, you can be an exciting yet stable and dedicated friend and colleague.

    In love and relationships

    You are attracted to people who will explore ideas, philosophies, cities and/or the natural world with you. You like spontaneous, curious risk-takers like yourself. And you want a partner who shares your live-and-let-live attitude. But you also need someone who is eager to help you build strong family and community ties. You are interested in sex; sexual compatibility is an important part of your primary relationship. Although you like to spend your money, you admire frugal people and believe in saving-except when an appropriate adventure comes along. And you seek a partner who is pragmatic, who shares your view of duty and tradition and whom you regard as moral and cooperative. Yet he or she has to have your level of energy and curiosity too.



    tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    • Apr 30 Fri 2010 15:58
    • 100430


    Queen of Swords

    Queen of Swords

    In the Past position
    A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

    Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

    Seven of Wands

    Seven of Wands

    In the Present position
    A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

    Meaning: Courage, determination, and creative thinking. Portends a good time to hazard a gamble. Though the odds may seem against you, there are advantages to your position. The victory of a major battle paves the way to opportunity and a positive cycle in life. Taking a stand. Guarding principles and dreams. Fending off predators. Silencing naysayers.

    Three of Pentacles

    Three of Pentacles

    In the Future position
    A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

    Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment.

    tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    • Apr 13 Tue 2010 12:12
    • 100412


    Seven of Cups

    Seven of Cups

    In the Past position
    A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

    Meaning: Dreams. A fertile imagination. Numerous and sometimes conflicting desires. Dreaming up options. Window shopping for paths and goals. Fertility in mind and spirit. Bemused and confused by the possibilities of options. Unexpected turn of events. Realization of a long shot. Surprises. Triumph of the underdog. Humour, thrills, and vision.

    Queen of Pentacles

    Queen of Pentacles

    In the Present position
    A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

    Meaning: A capable business woman. Calm, steady progress under the leadership of a woman. Security. A woman of substance and earthy nature. A strong role model who supports and protects those around her. A caring, fair employer. An investor. A careful manager. An intelligent, prudent, wealthy woman.

    Three of Cups

    Three of Cups

    In the Future position
    A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

    Meaning: Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

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