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灰色方稜的 天空之下
今天也被萬千欲望 深深掩埋
在其中 也不迷失光芒
能夠前進 向前邁出步伐 因為你常伴左右

在這街道的角落 沒有污點的東西
拖著精疲力盡的身軀 沉入深眠的你
我只是 摒著聲息 注視著
全世界唯有一人 那只有我知道的
毫無防備而讓我愛戀的 側臉

理所當然似的 陽光傾注下來
溫柔的風 搖晃著 那是某一天的事情
在我心中有些東西 悄悄地強烈地
確確實實正改變著 而我獨自一人體會著

雖然我並不悲傷 但眼淚卻奪眶而出
是因你的愛慕 會刺痛我一般
把我心中深處的 傷痕浸透
然後 把它轉為溫柔

若是 你與深深的 悲傷 相遇
你也能讓我 分擔一些就好了
若是為了你的微笑 我願付出一切

******************** 日文歌詞 ********************

灰色の四角い 空の下を今日も
あらゆる欲望が 埋め尽くす
その中で光を 見失わず 前を

この街の片隅にも 汚れのない
ものが残っている事 教えてくれるから
疲れ果てた体で 眠りについた君を
僕は息をひそめて 見ていた
世界中でただひとり 僕だけが知っている
無防備で愛しい 横顔

当たり前のように 陽射しが降り注ぎ
僕の中で 何かが そっと強く 

悲しくなんかないのに 涙がこぼれたのは
君の思いが 痛いくらいに
僕の胸の奥の キズ跡に染み込んで
優しさに 変えたくれたから

もしも 君が深い 悲しみに 出会ったら
僕にも わけてくれるといいな
その笑顔のためなら なんだって出来るだろう
僕の大切な 宝物

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Analysts still are looking for a relatively mild downturn - but in some areas, things will get worse before they get better.

April 13, 2007

Major real estate forecasters are looking for prices to bounce along the bottom this year and next and fully recover by 2009.

"Once the correction from the boom works through, we'll see slow, steady growth," says Celia Chen, Economy.com's director of housing economics, who expects annual price gains of between 2 percent and 4 percent by 2009.

And on Wednesday, the National Association of Realtors said it expects its measure of home prices to fall this year for the first time since the group began tracking sales nearly 40 years ago.

Overall, her firm is predicting that the downturn that started in late 2005 will end up pushing median home prices down 8.7 percent nationwide by the time it ends in early 2008. The nationwide figures, of course, mask a great deal of local variation.

Regions that saw the greatest price appreciation (and speculation) during the boom, such as Florida, Las Vegas, Phoenix and San Diego, are now taking the hardest hit - and will continue to do so until all the air is out of the bubble.

While Fiserv is forecasting flat prices nationwide over the next 12 months, the firm expects price drops of as much as 9 percent in half of the 50 biggest markets. Home prices in Las Vegas, down 5 percent over the past 12 months, may fall another 9 percent in the next year.

Miami real estate could see a similar slump. The housing market will also struggle in nonbubbly rust belt states such as Michigan and Ohio, chiefly because of the ongoing loss of manufacturing jobs.

But in parts of the South and West - especially areas that never enjoyed double-digit annual price gains - homes continue to appreciate.

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I like 3D puzzles, espcially wooden...
Because of my passion to architecture so I think 3D wooden puzzles are good for home decoration.
I have bought BC Bone's Eiffel Tower and London Tower Bridge 3D wooden puzzle.
I was wondering if they have Taipei 101 or other cool architectural buildings/landmarks so I went to search.
Unfortunately their online store is closed for maintenance...
But I found another 3D wooden puzzle maker - Matchitecture. 
Matchitecture's products seem more complicated than BC Bones.
You have assembled beam-by-beam. It will take longer time to build it.
If I have a lot of time, maybe I will try Matchitecture's products.
Now I will prefer buying BC Bone's so I can finish one in couple hours.

I found another cool 3D puzzle made by Hasbro - Dubai's Burj Al Arab.
Hope they will have wooden puzzle later on.
Then I will defintely get one. 

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SOS與蘇丹餐廳 SOS & Sultan Restaurant

位於歌雷梅市中心的SOS & Sultan Restaurant,餐廳外設置的半露天座位是天氣晴朗時最舒適的用餐地點,這裡的餐點也值得推薦,因為就連幫在地一日遊行程準備的餐點也相當美味。來此,你可以品嚐當地著名的特色菜「Tisti Kebabi」,這是一種將肉類和蔬菜放入陶瓶烘烤的佳餚,據說這道菜的誕生是因為附近專門生產陶器的阿凡諾斯(Avanos)難免出現品質較差的陶器,在直接丟棄可惜的情況下,用來當作烹調用具不失為好方法。而享用這道料理的另一個賣點,是侍者將點火的料理端到你面前時,再以小槌子敲開陶罐的「儀式」,這項表演深受遊客喜愛。


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