Six Questions To Determine If Your New Idea Is A Real Business

We've all been there, drinking our morning coffee, reading the business section, when--Bam!--the idea comes crashing home: that new gizmo or service that's going to change the world, or at least make us rich. But before you liquidate your 401(k) for startup capital, step back and figure out whether your "great idea" truly translates into a money-making venture. Here are six questions worth asking.

Do You Have A Compelling Value Proposition?

It's forever worth repeating: Great ideas are only great business ideas if you can convince people to pay for your product or service at a price above what it costs you to deliver it. Just because you think your idea is great doesn't mean anyone else does--or if they do, it doesn't mean they would be willing to pay enough to cover your electric bill.

Is There A Viable Market For Your Product Or Service?

It's not enough to find a few people who are willing to pay for your new product or service--you have to find more than enough of them to support a vibrant commercial enterprise. Professional investors (like venture capitalists) are especially interested in this question. They don't want to write checks to launch companies with limited growth potential, even if they'll likely be profitable. On the flip side, beware the lure of big numbers--just because there are 50 million U.S. dog owners who spend some $43 billion on their pooches annually doesn't mean enough would be interested in your new canine cologne. Finally, never count on creating markets from scratch--there may well be a reason they don't exist.

Can you Cover YourHonest-To-Goodness) Development Costs?

"Most companies that fail do so because they are lacking capital." We didn't say it; venture capital maven John De Puy, chief executive of Oaktree Ventures, did. While investors won't wave blank checks at you, they don't want you to fail either. The key here is honesty: However much you think you need to bring your product to market, tack on a healthy cushion; add more for tech-heavy products that may (read: will) need extra months of tweaking. Can't scare up enough scratch to get out of the garage? The market may be telling you something. "You won't really know whether you have a business opportunity until you try to get funding," says Charles Holloway, director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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【富比世提供/Melanie Lindner】


2005年接近尾聲時,在英國南安普敦一家軟體公司擔任銷售人員的 Neil Moodley 想到了他認為真正能賺錢的方法,那就是創建一個財經網站,用於發佈高階主管名單和公共財經資訊,同時簡單介紹各個企業及它們所從事的業務。

現年36歲的 Moodley 表示:「當時,我們努力尋找有意購買我們軟體的企業,但進展一直不順利。」他認為,假如這個網站所提供的針對性資訊比彭博社 (Bloomberg) 和 Schwab 管理的在多數情況下免費的網站還要多,那麼其他銷售機構可能會願意每月花費30美元來通過他的網站招攬新業務。

雖然想法不錯,但時機卻沒有選對。大約4個月後,在網站雛形上已投入2500美元並花費數百個小時的 Moodley 驚恐地發現 Google 已經推出了自己的財經網站 Google 財經。Moodley 說:「這個網站看起來確實和我的網站很像。當我打開這個網站並發現它的內容完全免費,而我還計畫對同樣的資訊收費時,我的心情越來越沉重。」

哈佛商學院 (Harvard Business School) 企業管理學教授 Toby Stuart 表示,Moodley 犯了一個再普通不過的錯誤。他提醒那些想創業的人不要「高估自己的創意」。換句話說,如果你能想到這一點,那麼其他人可能也已經想到了。





市場有大有小,你的策略要恰逢其時。例如,總部位於聖地牙哥的風險投資公司 Oaktree Ventures 執行長 John De Puy 建議,創業者應當著眼於爭取利基市場25%至40%的占有率,而不是在巨大的全球市場中爭奪1%至2%的占有率。他說:「界定與支配,這正是秘訣所在。」


如果你依然堅信你掌握著未來科技的脈絡,那麼再問自己最後一個問題:你願意為此付出多少努力?據美國勞動統計局 (Bureau of Labor Statistics) 資料顯示,1998年至2005年間,只有三分之二的新生小企業在他們創業的頭兩年中倖存了下來,而僅有44%挺過了四年——這僅僅是生存,並非成功。在經濟蕭條時期開發新業務會降低你的成功機率,所以你要警惕所有可能犯下的錯誤。


原文 Is Your Great Idea A Real Business

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  • Jun 03 Wed 2009 18:03
  • 090603

Four of Cups Four of Cups
in the Past position.

Discontent and isolation. Feeling at a loss as to what can be done to improve a situation. Doubt. Melancholy. A disenchanting experience. Disgust. Can also indicate being fussy. Having to deal with naysayers. Not recognizing what one has. It is an encouraging card, indicating help that seems to be divine intervention ensuring one has all the cups one needs.

The Sun - Reversed The Sun - Reversed
in the Present position.

Means much the same, only to a lesser degree: limited progress, short time in the sun. Frivolity, vanity, and susceptibility. Poor sportsmanship. Spoiled, demanding temperament. Play becoming tiresome or to one¹s detriment.

The Magician The Magician
in the Future position.

Talent and intelligence. A higher-comprehending mind. Purpose and skill. Independent thinker. Self-rule. Freedom. A person who is a force of art and creativity. Intuition. An inspiring, powerful voice. Commitment and communication. Eloquence and persuasion. Charm, confidence, and control. Talent that carries responsibility and casts one in an otherworldly light. Leadership and influence. Showmanship and dexterity. An ambiguous card, as the magician is also a trickster, a shadowy ringmaster, and a juggler. The unevolved magician character is a creature of appetite, impulse, and manipulation. Disregard of others and self-aggrandizing behaviour (resembling the rock star gone awry).

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在韓國超市看到有賣珍珠包的粉 - 깨찰방믹스 (Sasame Glutinous Bread Mix)
在Sogo Bakery 珍珠包一個要賣$1.25
큐원 깨찰빵믹스 sale 一盒 (有2包) 才賣 $2.99 + tax
My god! 真的是賺太多了!! 
珍珠包真的很好吃說...QQ的! 還有芝麻~ ^^


깨찰방믹스 Sasame Glutinous Bread Mix 250g
게란1개 one Egg
Water 70mL

- Bake at 180C for 35 minutes.


tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 23 Sat 2009 08:19
  • 090522


Temperance Temperance
in the Past position.

Tempering. Moderation. Adaptation. Managing a volatile situation in a calm, thoughtful way. Grace under pressure. Healing. Balance, reflection, and patience. Having clear boundaries. A confident and outspoken survivor. Bridging two very different worlds. The successful mixing of two opposites. Combining materials. This tarot card is sometimes called the Art card and speaks of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next. Being of two worlds. Ability to adapt. Beneficial transformation. Successful combination of ideas, lifestyles, or people. Creating a nurturing, appropriate environment. Caring for one¹s health. Repose. Feeling protected and removed. Guardian angel. Self-control. Compatibility. Blending and harmony. Finding inner peace. A period of waiting and constructive use of time.


The Sun The Sun
in the Present position.

Triumph, success, and security. Growth, well-being, and nourishment. Solutions, faith, and glory. Sincerity in love. Play, vacation, and enjoying the blessings in life without analysis. Being present in the moment. Rejuvenation. Childlike innocence and playful manner. Youth. Trust. Blossoming. Thriving. Enjoying the pleasures of nature. Bounty after trials. Masculine, sexual energy. Summer love, country romance. Bright, warm days. Learning new skills through play. Thanksgiving. Birth of a child. Fame.



Nine of Wands - Reversed Nine of Wands - Reversed
in the Future position.

Calamity. Failed defences. Time of adversity. Failure to foresee consequences. Unheeded warnings. Being caught off guard.

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