






80、90年代Boutique Hotel掀起了旅館業的革命,打破傳統思惟,邀請非空間設計師跨界設計,而這股潮流後來也促使大型連鎖旅館、小型商務和家庭旅館的風格為之丕變,市場上因而出現了許許多多的「類精品旅館」,葉怡蘭稱此為「後精品旅館時代」。














由The One團隊經營、具有閩南園林風格的南園則是她最近的新體驗,她發現:「南園本身比中國北京等地的園林低調樸素,具有純粹的人文風格。旅館建物上保有舊觀,在裝飾上呼應空間,並採用椅榻、大浴缸、舒適的床等現代生活設備。」


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  • Apr 04 Sun 2010 14:59
  • 100403


Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Inspiration. Rising to a challenge. Breakthrough in thinking. Self-reliance, spiritual strength, and confidence. Conviction and faith in vision or path. Reason reigning over impulse. Ideas empowered by desire. Creative heights and achievement. Quick thinking, humour, and balance. Revelations and transcendent thoughts. Fruitful plans and far-reaching ideas. Empathy and understanding. Marriage and fertility.

Five of Cups - Reversed

Five of Cups - Reversed

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Bitterness. An unhappy marriage. Unfulfilled expectations. Regret. Sad news. Poor choice of alliance. Reunion with an old lover. Need to guard against self-delusion. Inheritance.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life.

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  • Mar 30 Tue 2010 15:59
  • 100330


Ten of Swords - Reversed

Ten of Swords - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Short-term gains. Fallacy. Merger gain. Overconfidence. Poor research. Brief respite. Mirage. Gullibility.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Acknowledgement of accomplishments. Victory parade. Accolades, admirers, and gratitude. Respect of one's peers. Contributing ideas to a group project or cause. Leadership and established reputation. Good standing. Recognized authority. Having the confidence of the community. A success being more than one had hoped for. A sense of satisfaction. An original, daring thought brings victory. Honours.

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How many times have you become frustrated with your significant other? You feel like they just don't understand you. You feel like you don't connect anymore. There is no passion and fire left in your relationship.
Do you long to feel that passion again? Here are seven simple ways to put the fire back in your relationship -- and keep it there:

1. Don't forget date night.
It's been said a thousand times, but it's true. Couples who forget to go out on dates tend to treat each other like furniture in the house. You need to have a date together every week. Get dressed up for each other. Go out to a restaurant, a ballgame, or just take a walk together. It doesn't matter where you go as long as you do something different from your usual activities. When you're on your dates, treat each other the way you did when you first started dating.

2. Give a proper greeting.
When your significant other comes home at night, meet them at the door and give them a big kiss. Don't just yell, "Hey, how ya doing?" from another room. If you are the one coming in the door, go to wherever your partner is in the house and give them a big kiss. Little gestures like this go a long way.

3. Keep on kissing.
When you wake up in the morning, make sure you kiss your partner. Forget about morning breath. Who cares? We're talking about showing love from the very first minute of the day. This brings me to the second part of this: Before you go to bed at night, make sure you are connected with your significant other and kiss them goodnight. You should always feel love and nurturing before you go to sleep. Too many couples get into bed -- each person on their side of the bed -- and fall asleep without bothering to kiss each other goodnight.

4. Break the routine.
A big part of keeping the fire burning in a relationship is stirring up the daily routine. One of the best ways to do this is to set a romantic mood. Light candles. If it's a night you normally watch TV, why not light candles throughout the entire house? Do anything that's out of your normal routine.

5. Send a "no special reason" message.
Send your significant other little notes in the middle of the day, just telling them that you love them or that you're thinking about them. With email and texting, this is so simple yet so powerful. You can even leave a quick voicemail. That one "I love you" message will make your partner feel happier.

6. Leave a surprise note.
Everyone loves a surprise, so try placing a handwritten note in their bag or briefcase. If you leave early for work, leave a card saying, "I'll be thinking of you all day long" or "I really love the way you and I are together." Write something simple but beautiful. Share something to remind your mate of great times together.
7. Be there even when you're apart. If you travel for business or other reasons, leave a sweet note for your partner before you leave. Even better, leave a series of notes for them to find and read on each day that you will be away. If your significant other is the one who travels, slip a card into their suitcase and follow up with some romantic texts while they are gone. This lets them know you are thinking about them. Keeping each other in your thoughts is one of the most important parts of keeping the fire burning.

By dating coach David Wygant

from: Yahoo

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About 10 years ago I was having my annual holiday party, and my niece had come with her newly minted M.B.A. boyfriend. As he looked around the room, he noted that my employees seemed happy. I told him that I thought they were.

Then, figuring I would take his new degree for a test drive, I asked him how he thought I did that. "I'm sure you treat them well," he replied.

"That's half of it," I said. "Do you know what the other half is?"

He didn't have the answer, and neither have the many other people that I have told this story. So what is the answer? I fired the unhappy people. People usually laugh at this point. I wish I were kidding.

I'm not. I have learned the long, hard and frustrating way that as a manager you cannot make everyone happy. You can try, you can listen, you can solve some problems, you can try some more. Good management requires training, counseling and patience, but there comes a point when you are robbing the business of precious time and energy.

Don't get me wrong. This doesn't happen a lot. There's no joy in the act of firing someone. And it's not always the employee's fault — there are many bad bosses out there. Bad management can make a good employee dysfunctional. On the other hand, good management will not always make a dysfunctional employee good. And sometimes people who would be great employees somewhere else just don't fit your company, whether it is the type of business or the company culture.

In the worst cases, the problem of a bad fit can have a bigger impact than just one employee's performance. Being in charge does not necessarily mean you are in control, and being in control does not necessarily mean being in charge. Have you ever seen a company or department paralyzed by someone who is unhappy and wants to take hostages? It is remarkable how much damage one person can do. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch "The Caine Mutiny." Basically, one guy takes apart the ship. He was unhappy. It only takes one.

This is only my opinion. I don't have a Ph.D., an M.B.A., or even an economics degree. What I do have is a happy company. And that makes me happy. Now I know some people argue that business is about making money, and not everyone has to be happy. That is also an opinion. Everyone has a right to his or her opinion. When you own a company, you also have the right to surround yourself with the people you choose.

I have spent the last year and a half focusing on cutting costs, figuring out how the market has changed, and worrying about the economy. Things seem to be getting better, or perhaps I am just getting used to it.

Either way, I had a good day today. Not because I got a big order, great financial reports or even an employee stopping by to tell me what an awesome boss I am. (That generally doesn't happen. You have to tell yourself. It's a boss thing.) I had a great day because I spent most of it walking around the company and appreciating the fact that even after a year and a half of soft sales and cutbacks and furloughs, I have wonderful people working for me. They care. They are committed. They understand the whole customer–staff–company triangle, where all of the legs support each other.

If you read books on great companies, they usually leave out a dirty little secret. It doesn't make for good public relations — like talking about how you "empower people" or how your "greatest assets" are your people. Both of these well–worn clichés are true. What is also true is that it's hard to build a great company with the wrong people.

When you have the right people, business is much easier. I know because I have tried it both ways.

Jay Goltz owns five small businesses in Chicago.

from: The New York Times

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