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美國國會眾院6日以246票對161票通過「房屋之星」 (Home Star)法案,授權兩年撥款60億美元鼓勵屋主改善房屋,節約能源。符合資格的屋主將可獲得數千美元補助。

這個計畫由歐巴馬總統提出,法案還須獲得國會參院通過。此一短期計畫也被稱為「現金換填縫」 (Cash for Caulkers),政府希望它像去年的「舊車換現金」計畫一樣成功,並預期將有三百萬家庭參與。

補助分為兩種。第一種稱為「銀星」,消費者進行各種房屋更新,包括增加絕緣、管道封漏,更換熱水器、空調系統、窗戶、屋頂和門,可獲1000美元至1500美元補助。第二種稱為「金星」,消費者接受房屋能源檢查,然後進行可節省能源費用20%的改造,獲得3000美元補助。能源節約超過5% ,可額外補助1000美元,以此類推,總額不得超過8000美元。





【2010/05/07 聯合晚報】

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You may have noticed the lines at home-improvement stores getting longer or heard the whirring of buzz saws in your neighborhood. After years of economic recession and housing-market malaise, people are starting to fix up their homes again.

According to an April 15 report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, annual spending on remodeling is expected to accelerate this year, with nearly 5% growth over 2009. "This year could produce the first annual spending increase for the industry since 2006," the peak of the housing boom, says center director Nicolas P. Retsinas.

But the forces driving today's action couldn't be more different from those during the boom. Back then, people wanted to renovate their places so that they could trade up to bigger homes, or because their home equity was soaring and they wanted to reinvest some of the spoils.

Now, the opposite is happening: Many people who bought during the boom years are accepting the reality that they won't soon be swapping up for a sybaritic spread. Their mortgages may remain above water, but after years of falling home prices, their equity is so low that the transaction costs of buying a new house would leave little for a down payment.

In short, they are stuck.

"People have seen their down payments kind of wiped out," says Harvard economist Jeremy Stein. "They are locked into their house. They can't really move, even if they thought the other house was cheap and a good deal."

So these people are making their homes more comfortable for a longer-than-expected stay. Setting aside old calculations of how much a particular improvement will add to resale value, they are making smaller tweaks that can make a big difference in livability. You might call it "psychological return on investment."

Nowadays, say real-estate agents and contractors, smaller projects like updating kitchens and baths and humble attic-bedroom conversions are more popular, while two-story master suites and $100,000 kitchen blowouts are decidedly out of fashion. Hidden improvements like insulation also are on the rise, as people realize they won't be able to pass on their drafts, leaks and other problems to the next guy. Tax credits that expire in 2010 are enticing people to make energy improvements, too.

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  • Negotiator 23%
  • Explorer 29%
  • Director 19%
  • Builder 28%

  • About
    your personality

    You have a great deal of energy and vitality. You are curious, creative and resilient. You have many interests; and you find pleasure in doing and thinking about all sorts of things.

    You tend to be optimistic, seeing the world as a place of adventure-- physical, intellectual or both. You seek first-hand experiences. And when you embark on a project or expedition, you like to be organized, thorough and responsible.

    You enjoy the pleasures of the senses, yet you are firmly grounded in reality and live in the here and now. You can be charming and charismatic; and you sometimes like to surprise those you love with generous presents.

    You also have a clear moral compass and stand up for your beliefs. And in spite of your flexibility and enjoyment of novelty, you have a genuine respect for home, family, work and community. You are conscientious, dependable, cooperative and protective.

    With Explorer as your primary type, you can be:

  • Novelty seeking
  • Flexible
  • Impulsive and spontaneous
  • Open-Minded
  • Curious
  • Energetic
  • Creative

  • With Builder as your secondary type, you can be:

  • Traditional
  • Patient
  • Social
  • Community Oriented
  • Loyal
  • Orderly
  • Dependable

  • Relating
    to others

    You have a keen sense of humor and a great many interests-so people gravitate to you. You are also savvy at managing and handling others. And because you are broad-minded, adaptable and playful, as well as dependable and loyal, you can be an exciting yet stable and dedicated friend and colleague.

    In love and relationships

    You are attracted to people who will explore ideas, philosophies, cities and/or the natural world with you. You like spontaneous, curious risk-takers like yourself. And you want a partner who shares your live-and-let-live attitude. But you also need someone who is eager to help you build strong family and community ties. You are interested in sex; sexual compatibility is an important part of your primary relationship. Although you like to spend your money, you admire frugal people and believe in saving-except when an appropriate adventure comes along. And you seek a partner who is pragmatic, who shares your view of duty and tradition and whom you regard as moral and cooperative. Yet he or she has to have your level of energy and curiosity too.



    tinoday 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    • Apr 30 Fri 2010 15:58
    • 100430


    Queen of Swords

    Queen of Swords

    In the Past position
    A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

    Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

    Seven of Wands

    Seven of Wands

    In the Present position
    A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

    Meaning: Courage, determination, and creative thinking. Portends a good time to hazard a gamble. Though the odds may seem against you, there are advantages to your position. The victory of a major battle paves the way to opportunity and a positive cycle in life. Taking a stand. Guarding principles and dreams. Fending off predators. Silencing naysayers.

    Three of Pentacles

    Three of Pentacles

    In the Future position
    A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

    Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment.

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