We plan to replace our kitchen counters and are interested in using stone. Is granite still a hot choice?

Granite remains the biggest seller, having accounted for 56 percent of kitchen-countertop sales in the past year, according to the NPD Group, a market-research company. Quartz (Caesarstone and Silestone) and laminate (Formica), each with 13 percent of the countertop market, trail granite in popularity, followed closely by solid surfacing (DuPont Corian).

It will be interesting to see whether granite's dominance holds. Consider that about 75 percent of certified kitchen designers specified quartz, according to the National Kitchen & Bath Association's "2010 Kitchen & Bath Style Report," as we recently reported in "What's Cooking in the Kitchen: 7 Trends in Remodeling and Design."Granite earned its spot as the most popular counter courtesy of its good looks and durability. Indeed, in our countertop tests, granite was the only stone that could resist heat, scratches, and, when properly sealed, stains. 

When it comes to natural stone, marble and limestone also offer aesthetic appeal but have their drawbacks. Marble, more porous than granite, is not as stain or heat resistant and scratches and chips easily. Limestone withstands heat very well, so scorch marks aren't a problem, but this soft, porous material is easily sliced, nicked, and scratched; it also stains easily, even when properly sealed.

When you're shopping for a granite countertop, remember that veining and pattern can vary enormously from slab to slab, so be sure to visit the store or stone yard to find a piece you love. You can save some money by using 3/4-inch-thick stone instead of the typical 11/4-inch-thick material. (Note that our test results are based on a thicker stone.) Granite costs about $45 to $200 per square foot, including installation.

by Kimberly Janeway
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

from: ConsumerReports.org

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支援型的你很容易就能從她身上看到自己的影子。你是一個善於思考,感情豐富的人,但是卻容易沉湎在一種情緒里長時間解脫不出來。比如,就像那位可憐的失去母親的灰姑娘一樣,每天都要趴在母親的墳頭上哭三次--對命運的打擊最先的反應,只是一度地悲傷。 不過,聰明的頭腦和周全的思慮,是你隨時隨地都具備的。你想得多,想得深,雖然有時候會猶疑不定,不過你卻清楚地知道,什麼是機遇,機遇又在哪裡。儘管灰姑娘沉浸在失去母親和受到後母以及姐姐們虐待的雙重痛苦之中,但是,當聽到王子要在舞會上挑選新娘的消息時,她意志堅定地一定要參加那個舞會,因為她明白,這是讓她命運改變的一個機會。




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  • May 18 Tue 2010 12:21
  • 100517


King of Wands

King of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

The Lovers

The Lovers

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of blind love. High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved,

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  • May 17 Mon 2010 14:50
  • 100516


Queen of Swords - Reversed

Queen of Swords - Reversed

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: Overweening ambition. Greed and lust for power. Dangerous, even violent woman. Fanatical zeal. Abuse. Jealousy.

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Celebration. Thanksgiving. Shared happiness. Pleasure and satisfaction. Enrichment of friendships. Support, encouragement. Excitement and play. Enjoying arts and talents. Luck, excitement, and momentum. Goodwill and humour. The doubling effect of success shared. The joy of artistic collaboration. Romantic fun. The freshness of spring. Gratitude and good health.

The Lovers

The Lovers

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of blind love. High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.

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來源=富比世 / 撰稿=Phillippa Stewart (2010.04.22 14:31)


東京的米其林星級餐廳比巴黎的更多。若按人口算,每個京都人所擁有的米其林星級餐廳數量屬世界各地之首。2007年,在曼谷的 Mezzaluna(http://www.lebua.com/bangkok/dining/mezzaluna/ ),一份有10道菜的套餐的售價超過3萬美元。在亞洲,高級餐廳領域一片繁榮景象。

LUXE 城市指南(http://www.luxecityguides.com )出版編輯 Grant Thatcher 表示:“亞洲餐飲業不斷發展壯大。作為‘全球最佳50家餐廳獎’香港評審團主席,我很高興看到在過去幾年裏世界各地對這一活動的關注度有了很大的提高。”倫敦的食評家、《London Transport Restaurant Guide》作者 Andy Hayler(http://www.andyhayler.com/ )說:“二十多年來,我隔一段時間就會去亞洲旅行,那裏豪華餐廳的發展速度令人驚訝——毫無疑問,日本的高級餐廳最多。”

東京的 Aragawa,可能算得上最有名的,不僅因為其鮮嫩的神戶牛肉,還因其昂貴的價格。這裏的神戶牛肉來自黑毛和牛中的但馬牛品種。很多國家都試圖通過將和牛與安格斯牛進行雜交來獲得類似於“神戶口味”的牛肉,但神戶牛肉的獨特風味是不可複製的——每頭牛天天都會受到按摩也是其肉質鮮嫩的一個原因。每磅神戶牛肉的售價接近800美元。

《The Miele Guide》(http://www.mieleguide.com/ )聯合創始人、Ate Media(http://atemedia.com/ )主管 Aun Koh 稱:“在日本,有些餐館甚至需要通過介紹才能預定到。”《The Miele Guide》最新一期進行特別介紹的位於東京 Giza 區的 Mibu 就是這類餐廳。還有 Kitcho,它在大阪、京都和東京開了多家分店,有些店只向餐廳會員和他們的朋友們開放。Koh 說:“這些餐廳十分高檔,消費也很高。”

亞洲其他高級餐廳包括香港文華東方酒店 (Mandarin Oriental Hotel) 的庫克廳 (Krug Room) (http://www.mandarinoriental.com/about_mo/media/press_kits/hong_kong/krug_room.aspx)和位於泰國的 Mezzaluna (http://www.lebua.com/bangkok/dining/mezzaluna/)。Mezzaluna 曾在2007年全球第二屆首席名廚大會慶祝晚宴 (Epicurean Masters of the World II Gala Dinner) 上提供過最昂貴的一頓正餐——每個人的平均花費高達3萬多美元。6位三星級米其林餐廳主廚一起參加了這場具有慈善性質的烹飪盛典。Mezzaluna 還擁有全球最昂貴的甜點菜單之一。Louis Roderer Cristal Brut 2000 香檳雪冰沙,加“馬達加斯加”巧克力蛋糕,再配上 Moët très 上等7號香檳,這樣一份甜點要價625美元。

在香港文華東方酒店的庫克廳用餐,每人的花費為256美元。文華東方酒店發言人 Katherine Anthony 稱:“庫克廳在香港的確是獨一無二的,也確實沒有其他地方可以像這裏一樣。”

庫克廳位於該餐廳廚房的中心位置,最多可接待12位客人。賓客們可通過另一家餐廳的後門被領進餐廳。行政總廚 Uwe Opocensky 因其“漸進式烹飪法”而聞名。Opocensky 曾在 El Bulli (http://www.elbulli.com/) 工作,並得到其知名行政總廚 Ferran Adria 的指導。El Bulli 曾五次榮登《Restaurant》雜誌 San Pellegrino 全球最佳餐廳榜 (http://www.theworlds50best.com/) 首位。

庫克廳沒有固定的菜單——客人們享用的都是主廚一時興起之作,一頓飯有10到15道菜,菜品種類繁多。2009年晚些時候,該餐廳推出的定期菜品是 Uwe Opocensky 的“Forgotten Beef”——這道菜被有意設計成像被嚴重煮過了一樣。

Anthony 表示:“這道菜的靈感來源於對兒時一道被偶然遺忘在烤箱中的菜肴的記憶。”她說:“宮崎牛肉經過恰到好處的蒸煮後,被塗上由薰制過的茄子皮粉末做成的‘仿焦’層,享用時還配上了可食用的木炭粉。”

顯然,亞洲餐廳正開始從價格上與歐美同行展開競爭。但是,在你匆忙準備花錢消費前,Luxe 的 Thatcher 有句有關高級餐廳的忠告要送給你:“昂貴和高級並不一定意味著優秀,我認為牢記這一點非常重要。”

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