• May 15 Fri 2009 09:26
  • 葉子

葉子 (薔薇之戀片尾曲) 受了點傷

演唱: 阿桑   作詞:陳曉娟 作曲:陳曉娟

葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
天堂 原來應該不是妄想
只是我早已經遺忘 當初怎麼開始飛翔

*孤單 是一個人的狂歡
 狂歡 是一群人的孤單
 愛情 原來的開始是陪伴
 但我也漸漸地遺忘 當時是怎樣有人陪伴

#我一個人吃飯 旅行 到處走走停停
 也一個人看書 寫信 自己對話談心
 只是心又飄到了哪裡 就連自己看也看不清 我想我不僅僅是失去你

Repeat # *,#,#

葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子

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One of the largest manufacturers of mobile homes plans to enter the market of environmentally friendly, prefab homes with a model that is seriously affordable.

It looks like a house you'd order from Ikea. It sounds like a house designed by Apple. The I-House just might be the future — well, one future, anyway — of the housing market.

Clayton Homes, based in Maryville, Tenn., is one of America's largest manufacturers of mobile homes and prefabricated housing. So when President Kevin Clayton wanted to go green, he gave his architects a free hand, instructing them to incorporate as many green products as possible and to produce a home that was super energy-efficient — the only constraint was that it had to be something that could be built in existing facilities.

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星期(5/5) turn in Scheduling Final Project 考完Final Exam
結束Berkeley Extension上課日子!
拿20 points Extra Credit 3分鐘Presentation
收到report card就能通知Extension,他們issue Certificate了~

結束後,心情輕鬆~ ^^
花了2看完媽媽"Hi Seoul"
時間將家裡的Cable TV channels
得說搬了,知道channels... ^^;

接下來,要準備RE Salesperson License 的 Renewal 上課
讀 blueprint reading & Construction Material & Method
學習 AutoCAD 繪圖,的goal
哈! I like to keep myself busy~~


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.地址:台北市民生東路三段111號B1 (西華飯店的地下一樓)
.電話:02-2718-1188 ext. 3327

你當然在超市,商場或是街角就可買到壽司,但要買到跟在日本一樣貨真價實的,就得到西華飯店的鮨小馬壽司。站在櫃台後的三位壽司廚神精巧的切開一些兩小時前剛送到,三十種各式各樣的新鮮魚貨。午餐最低消費900 ,晚餐最低消費1,500 ,這裡的壽司是最有價值的壽司之一。使用從台灣及日本來的、中等大小的魚,師傅專業的提供我多汁的鮭魚及鮪魚片,及其他依我對海鮮喜好的生魚片,並非事先擬定好的菜單。燈光朦朧,擺設舒坦,及新鮮現做,融在我嘴裡Sashimi,鮨小馬壽司是少數不會讓人失望的壽司吧。

料理長: 佐佐木啟裕

--Jerri Graham/報導, 黃玉堤/譯
from: http://www.taiwanfun.com/north/taipei/dining/0611/0611KoumasushiTW.htm

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Never Ending Story - 윤상현  (尹尚鉉)

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