有了自己專屬獨特的網路相簿後,總該找個地方來放吧!網路相簿可不是隨便放在網路硬碟或SkyDrive就可以,我們必須把它放在網頁主機上來運作。狂人記得以前烘焙雞風氣正盛行的時候,網路上的免費空間一堆,什麼章魚網、地球城的,雖然只有幾MB的小小空間,大家還是玩得很高興。反觀今日隨便一個網路信箱、硬碟都是GB起跳,免費的大空間虛擬主機卻不多,連之前的Google Pages都被Google認為是夕陽服務,而改成Google Sites了。

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compfight - 專門蒐尋flickr的照片搜尋引擎!


compfight 是一個專門用來搜尋flickr照片的工具,它本身並非flickr的合作夥伴,只是透過flickr API而製作出了這個搜尋網站,應該是比原本flickr所提供的搜尋功能好用許多。


使用者可從標籤tags)或是一些文字text)來進行搜尋,此外,還能篩選照片是否為 Creative Commons 授權、或是否進行安全搜尋等等。

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Gallery需要PHP環境來運行,可以裝在Linux或Windows系統上,只要稍微注意一下檔案及目錄權限的設定即可。它的安裝是採step by step的方式,人性化又簡單,狂人覺得最值得讚賞的是,在每個步驟中只要有個環節出錯了,它就會停下來提示你哪邊出了問題,需要到哪裡修改,比如說目錄的權限沒設好,或是資料庫、PHP設定需要更動,都有詳盡的提示與指引,免得自己安裝完成後跑出一大堆錯誤訊息,還得一個一個慢慢除錯。


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To fill jobs in clean tech and help tomorrow's business leaders solve our environmental problems, schools are ramping up sustainability programs—inside the classroom and out

By Francesca Di Meglio

At one time, business schools "greened" their MBA curriculums in response to a new wave of students for whom sustainability was more than just a catchphrase. It was a core value.

That time, however, has passed. Today, business schools are continuing to ramp up their efforts for green curricula, but for a much different reason. In a world beset by economic woes as well as environmental problems— from the scarcity of natural resources to climate change—sustainability represents one of the few potential bright spots in an otherwise dismal recruiting environment.

Job Opportunities Spur Green Coursework

"Jobs might be drying up on Wall Street," says Catherine Wolfram, associate professor of business administration at UC-Berkeley's Haas School of Business, "but not in the clean technology sector."

The result: innovations such as the Sustainable Entrepreneurship by Nature course at Babson College where students turn to the natural world to solve vexing business problems, perhaps obtaining inspiration for a windmill design from the shape of a dolphin's fin. Such an assignment would not have appeared in typical MBA syllabi just a few years ago.

Many business school administrators and faculty say that these curriculum changes are a necessity if graduates are going to find jobs in a global economy where business is increasingly expected to solve the world's problems, or at least not make them worse. "You have to use entrepreneurial thinking to solve problems without taking away from the environment," says Candida Brush, professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College. "You have to do it. It's not a choice."

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墨西哥的柯提茲海岸,是渴求絕密私隱的遊客所嚮往的世外桃源。One&Only度假酒店集團現已隆重推出13間美輪美奐的全新海濱別墅,以及兩間風格獨特的星級食府,分別為與著名米其林星級大廚Jean-Georges Vongerichten攜手合作的高級餐廳MARKET,以及融合墨西哥地道風情與亞洲色彩的酒吧Suviche。此外,酒店氣派非凡的附屬獨立別墅Villa Cortez,亦已於2008年12月1日正式開業。

One&Only Palmilla海濱泳池別墅均寬敞舒適,裝潢簇新,分別提供三類套房。海濱泳池別墅普通套房(Beachfront Pool Casita Junior Suites)面積約為680平方呎;單房式套房(One Bedroom Suites)面積則為1,300平方呎;而主人套房(Master Suite)更達1,780平方呎。每間套房內均附設私人無邊際泳池及置有躺椅的池畔露台,環伺柯提茲海優美景致。單房式套房附設按摩浴池及室外用膳設施,主人套房更齊備各式沐浴設施,包括室外及室內雨灑式淋浴間、精雕細琢的浴缸,以及高雅別緻的雲石浴室。

One&Only Palmilla開設尊貴餐廳MARKET,盡現名廚Jean-Georges Vongerichten蜚聲國際的烹調魅力,並選用傳統食材,精心調製糅合墨西哥地道風味與名廚個人獨特風格的佳餚。身處MARKET,能夠尊用「創意美膳」,隨意為自己設計稱心菜式,選擇不同烹調方式;更能飽嚐各款地道特色美饌,包括香脆紅鯛、芝麻香醋伴百合蘿蔔沙拉,以及智利三文魚腩伴檸檬、辣根及蒔蘿。

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