



雲端運算(cloud computing)這東西很妙,你拉十個人來問可能會得到十一種答案。各行各業對它的解讀不盡相同,我看到最寬鬆的定義是「使用者可無腦的經由網路得到他們想要的服務」,我相信這種對於雲端的定義肯定也相當無腦。


較嚴謹的定義為「使用底層的分散式運算技術建構出上層可透過網路提供使用者自行達到快速部署及按使用量計費的服務方式」,唸完這句話也差不多該去喝個水透個氣了。雲端這種行話(buzz word)在此我也不想多作定義,免得擋人財路。


不過大家都有的雲端服務共識分為三個層次:基礎設施即服務(Infrastructure as a Service , IaaS)、平台即服務(Platform as a service , PaaS)和軟體即服務(Software as a Service , SaaS)。簡單來說就像經由網路這條通道分別提供使用者作業系統平台、API工具或是應用程式來使用的服務。









但身為進階級的玩家怎麼可以被框架給限制住呢?以雲端服務的三個層級來看,IaaS提供的彈性最大,業者你給我我想要的作業系統平台,剩下的我自己來搞。目前地球上規模最大的IaaS供應商,則莫過於Amazon Web Services(AWS)所提供的EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud)。大家對於Amazon肯定不陌生,Amazon.com為美國最大的一家網路電子商務公司,旗下最有名的就是亞馬遜網路書店。



Eucalyptus的三層架構:Cloud Controller、Cluster Controller和Node Controller。


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獲得「全球最佳酒吧」的是紐約St. Regis飯店,擁有古色古香的骨董吧台,據悉是「血腥瑪麗」調酒的發明地。新婚夫妻度蜜月,不妨考慮被評選為最浪漫的美國加州蘇路城堡(Chateau du Sureau),外觀就像城堡一般,房間裡的壁爐、燭台等,營造浪漫氣息,讓人捨不得離去。








評審臥底 住飯店 打分數










【聯合報/記者陶福媛、羅建怡/台北報導 2009/11/12】

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Dragon's Blood Trees, Socotra

To create our list of some of the world's most unique places to visit, we spoke with several travel experts, and asked them to recommend destinations based on their own past journeys. Those weighing in included Giampiero Ambrosi, general manager of Virtual Tourist; Pamela Bryan, co-founder of Manhattan Beach, Calif.-based travel firm Off the Beaten Path; Bruce Poon Tip, chief executive of Toronto-based travel company G.A.P. Adventures; and William Altaffer, owner and founder of Expedition Photo Travel in San Diego.


See the full list of the World's Most Unique Places To Visit

The Dragon's Blood Trees of Socotra

The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, off the horn of the African continent. Giampiero Ambrosi of Virtual Tourist says, "The trend of eco-tourism is especially strong here."

Takstang Monastery, Bhutan

Takstang Monastery in the Kingdom of Bhutan

The Kingdom of Bhutan is the last remaining kingdom in Asia and is the only place in the world to measure Gross National Happiness. Takstang means "tiger's lair" and hangs on a cliff high above the Paro valley. Visitors must climb the slope on foot or by mule.

Salt Plains, Salta, Argentina

The Salt Plains in the Salta, Argentina

Off the Beaten Path travel agency recommends the Northwestern Salta province of Argentina. The salt plains here are a pure white expanse, surrounded by high mountains. The Inca tribes that originally inhabited the area offer a unique cultural history.

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta, Canada

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta, Canada

For 5,500 years, the Native Americans of the North American Great Plains killed bison by chasing them off this cliff located in what's now Alberta, Canada. They would then carve up the bison carcasses in the camp below. This is one of the biggest and best preserved buffalo jumps in North America, according to Off the Beaten Path co-founder Pamela Bryan. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.

Throat Singers of Tuva, Siberia


Throat Singers of Tuva, Siberia

The throat-singing Tuva people of southern Siberia create sounds and harmonies unique to foreigners' ears. It is a style that simultaneously combines two or more pitches over a fundamental pitch to create sounds mimicking nature. The pastime is popular especially among the Tuvan male herders, because they are able to practice in the broad, open fields while they work.

By Becky Chung

from: http://travel.yahoo.com/p-interests-30306042

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旅遊指南聖經「寂寞星球」3日公布「2010年全球最佳旅遊勝地」(Best In Travel 2010),遭金融風暴重創的冰島「塞翁失馬焉知非福」,不再貴不可攀,獲選為最超值旅遊地點。中美洲薩爾瓦多和阿拉伯聯合大公國首都阿布達比,分占最佳旅遊國家及城市之冠。

寂寞星球(Lonely Planet)表示,其所出版的全球旅遊勝地指南,搜羅「未來一年最夯旅遊潮流、地點、行程和經驗」。





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  • Nov 02 Mon 2009 17:01
  • 091102


Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

In the Past position
A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

Meaning: An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

In the Present position
A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Meaning: Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life.

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